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In Rosetta , the Catalog feature allows users to create catalogs based on the metadata of the data source. Catalog generation supports tagging and labeling functionalities. To create a new catalog, users must provide a unique name to prevent any potential issues and select a data source from existing sources or newly created ones. Additionally, there's a lazy loading aspect that fetches total record counts within the data source, which automatically runs every time a scheduled catalog is triggered.

The Catalog category encompasses two main features: tagging and labeling, and scheduling. Users can schedule catalogs to run at specific time intervals. Once users have made these configurations, all changes are saved, and the new catalog is displayed in a list format. This list includes various statistics calculated during the setup process, such as the number of crawled tables and columns, the last run time, and options to edit, delete, or run the catalog.

When the catalog is run, Rosetta retrieves all the information from the associated data source and applies the catalog rules as defined by the user.


Create a catalog

To create a data catalog, the user must click on the Catalogs tab from the menu on the left.

If there are no catalogs configured, the user can click on New Catalog button to add a new catalog.

Select a connection

Same as in the Data source category, in Catalogs the user must fill the catalog name that should be unique, choose a data source connection, and all tables are filled automatically. There is an option to select all the table fields by choosing All or select as many as the user wants by choosing Selected tables.

In the tables section, tables are represented as a tree view, where the user can see the table name and how many columns it has. When one of the tables or columns is selected the Details section is visible with all the detail of the selected table or column, such as type, number of records, number of fields and so on.

That table then can be expanded and the user can see all the columns together.

In the upper right corner, there are some buttons that have different functionalities. The difference between the ones at the top and the others inside the Details section is that those at the top are for the catalog schema, and those inside the Details section are applied only for the table or column selected.

Extract - JSON schema of the table or the data source.

AVRO - AVRO schema of the table or data source.

DDL- Data definition language DDL of the table or data source

All of these schema types and DDLs can be copied and used in advance by clicking on their Copy button.

There is also a Prievew button that when clicked shows a sample of the data.

Tag a column

In the metadata section, at the bottom right corner, the user is able to tag a table or a column. To add a tag, the user should click on the table or on the column, add a tag name on the input field next to Tag, and press Enter.

If the column is tagged, is has an icon on the column with the tag name on it.

Label a column

Same as for tagging, labeling is one other feature in the metadata section. To add a label, the user should click on the table or on the column, add a key and value for labeling, and click on the + button. If the user wants to delete the label should click on the - button.

If the column is labeled, it has an icon on the column with the label on it.

Now that the user has finished setting a catalog it can choose whether it wants to set a schedule on the next tab or just Save and Run the catalog.

Schedule a run

If the user wants to add a scheduler, it should enable the add scheduler toggle, if not, it should click on Save and Run button.

Once the toggle is enabled, the user can set a scheduler to run the catalog. First should be set a start date and an end date. After that, the user can choose if the scheduler can run monthly, weekly, daily, hourly, or in minutes and in what hour.

To save the process the user must click on Save and Run button and the catalog will be created.

Upload a catalog

To upload a catalog you need to upload the configured json on the upload catalog button. For preparing an external catalog json you need to define a few elements in the json. The mandatory fields are:

  • name
  • datasourceName
  • dataSourceId
  • includeAllSchemas
  • schema
  • schedule

You can also upload an external catalog directly from API by sending the json file as a body in this endpoint api/catalog/third-party

Here is an example of an external catalog:

  "dataSourceDescription": "test-csv",
  "dataSourceId": "3e0fe597-5cc7-4293-a887-49a5ae588961",
  "dataSourceName": "test-csv",
  "id": "2c8e4027-8537-4017-bd8e-93f1e84998fa",
  "includeAllSchemas": false,
  "lastRun": "",
  "lastRunId": "",
  "name": "csv-catalog",
  "schema": {
    "name": "titanic.csv",
    "type": "record",
    "fields": [
        "name": "PassengerId",
        "type": "int",
        "labels": [],
        "properties": {
          "description": ""
        "sourceType": "int",
        "tagRules": {},
        "tags": []
    "labels": [],
    "properties": {
      "createdDate": "2022-10-26T11:29:09.274+02:00",
      "description": ""
    "tagRules": {},
    "tags": []

Edit a catalog

Now that one catalog is configured, on the Catalog tab the user can see a list of the catalogs and a button Add Catalog that redirects to the Catalogs screen for creating a new catalog. The catalog can be edited, deleted, ran and searched.

When the user clicks on the pen icon next to the catalog from the list they can edit the name, tags, labels, or scheduler, and save the changes.

Delete a catalog

The deletion of a catalog is done by clicking on the bin icon.

When the icon is clicked, a pop-up appears with a question if the user is sure about deleting the catalog, and if yes the user clicks Delete and if not clicks Cancel.

Run a catalog

To run a catalog from the catalog list the user must click on the play icon.

With that click, the changes made on the catalog are saved and can be viewed in the schema evolution, and data lineage.

Run History

Run History tab lists all the runs of the catalog.

Search for a catalog

The user can search for a catalog from the list of catalogs. The catalog that we created as an example is named catalog data source, so if the user searches for test there will be no results.